Investor Relations Hub

Graze Robotics isn't just building mowers, we're revolutionizing the landscape maintenance of expansive commercial properties with intelligent, eco-friendly autonomous tools.

From airports to solar fields, government properties to golf courses, we're transforming lawn care with innovative, smart robotic solutions that empower people to do more with fewer resources.

With each stride we make, we move closer to a future that is not only efficient and sustainable, but also empowers human ingenuity.
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$70.2B Total Addressable Market



50M acres of mowable grass across the U.S


Our sustainable technology aims to disrupt specialized areas including airports, golf courses, and solar fields.


Selling robotic mowers via Robots-as-a-Service offers cost-effective, scalable, and adaptable subscription-based solutions.


Per Month / Per Unit



In the queue



Sold Out

25 Production Units


$6M+ ARR

Our autonomous, electric, robotic mower, crafted for commercial landscapers, offers minimal maintenance and operation costs, enhancing efficiency. Discover Graze Robotics' precision and adaptability, ensuring immaculate turf care and staying at the industry's forefront.
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Webinar Recap: Graze Robotics - Latest Manufacturing Updates

On August 15th, 2024, Logan Fahey Franz, CEO of Graze Robotics, shared key updates on the company’s transition from R&D to market-ready solutions. The webinar highlighted the new partnership with Motivo Engineering, the company’s unique financing model and Graze’s ambitious path to profitability by 2026. Logan also discussed the focus on developing autonomous mowing systems for airports and solar fields, along with plans for an upcoming capital raise.

The session was then handed over to Philip Duffy, the CPO and COO, who delivered a detailed update on the company's progress in product development and manufacturing...
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  • Why invest in startups?

    Regulation CF allows investors to invest in startups and early-growth companies. This is different from helping a company raise money on Kickstarter; with Regulation CF Offerings, you aren’t buying products or merchandise - you are buying a piece of a company and helping it grow.


  • How much can I invest?

    Accredited investors can invest as much as they want. But if you are NOT an accredited investor, your investment limit depends on either your annual income or net worth, whichever is greater. If the number is less than $124,000, you can only invest 5% of it. If both are greater than $124,000 then your investment limit is 10%.


  • How do I calculate my net worth?

    To calculate your net worth, just add up all of your assets and subtract all of your liabilities (excluding the value of the person’s primary residence). The resulting sum is your net worth.


  • What are the tax implications of an equity crowdfunding investment?

    We cannot give tax advice, and we encourage you to talk with your accountant or tax advisor before making an investment.


  • Who can invest in a Regulation CF Offering?

    Individuals over 18 years of age can invest.


  • What do I need to know about early-stage investing?
    Are these investments risky?

    There will always be some risk involved when investing in a startup or small business. And the earlier you get in the more risk that is usually present. If a young company goes out of business, your ownership interest could lose all value. You may have limited voting power to direct the company due to dilution over time. You may also have to wait about five to seven years (if ever) for an exit via acquisition, IPO, etc. Because early-stage companies are still in the process of perfecting their products, services, and business model, nothing is guaranteed. That’s why startups should only be part of a more balanced, overall investment portfolio.


  • When will I get my investment back?

    The Common Stock (the "Shares") of Graze Robotics (the "Company") are not publicly-traded. As a result, the shares cannot be easily traded or sold. As an investor in a private company, you typically look to receive a return on your investment under the following scenarios: The Company gets acquired by another company. The Company goes public (makes an initial public offering). In those instances, you receive your pro-rata share of the distributions that occur, in the case of acquisition, or you can sell your shares on an exchange. These are both considered long-term exits, taking approximately 5-10 years (and often longer) to see the possibility for an exit. It can sometimes take years to build companies. Sometimes there will not be any return, as a result of business failure.


  • How many shares do I have?

    You can find detailed information about your investments in the Purchases section of the Deal Maker portal. If you need help logging in, please contact support at

    For further assistance, feel free to use the contact form above on this page. You can access your DealMaker account here:  Sign In | DealMaker


  • Can I sell my shares?

    Shares sold via Regulation Crowdfunding offerings have a one-year lockup period before those shares can be sold under certain conditions.

    Exceptions to limitations on selling shares during the one-year lockup period:
    In the event of death, divorce, or similar circumstance, shares can be transferred to:
    • The company that issued the securities
    • An accredited investor
    • A family member (child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, spouse or equivalent, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law, including adoptive relationships)


  • I don’t see all my shares in DealMaker

    The company is in the process of consolidating all shares with DealMaker as its single transfer agent. We are still working with Dealmaker to reconcile and transition all shares from other platforms, so they may show as held through other platforms for another couple of weeks. We apologize for the delay while we take extra time to ensure that all records are transferred completely and accurately.


  • What happens if a company does not reach their funding target?

    If a company does not reach their minimum funding target, all funds will be returned to the investors after the close of the offering.


  • How can I learn more about a company's offering?

    All available disclosure information can be found on the offering pages for our Regulation Crowdfunding offering.


  • What if I change my mind about investing?

    You can cancel your investment at any time, for any reason, until 48 hours prior to a closing occurring. If you’ve already funded your investment and your funds are in escrow, your funds will be promptly refunded to you upon cancellation. To submit a request to cancel your investment please email:


  • How do I keep up with how the company is doing?

    At a minimum, the company will be filing with the SEC and posting on its website an annual report, along with certified financial statements. Those should be available 120 days after the fiscal year end. If the company meets a reporting exception, or eventually has to file more reported information to the SEC, the reporting described above may end. If these reports end, you may not continually have current financial information about the company.


  • What relationship does the company have with DealMaker Securities?

    Once an offering ends, the company may continue its relationship with DealMaker Securities for additional offerings in the future. DealMaker Securities’ affiliates may also provide ongoing services to the company. There is no guarantee any services will continue after the offering ends.


  • Is this a down round?
    Why are the share prices lower than what I have purchased at in the past?

    Over the past six months, we've significantly improved our business, restructured the organization, boosted revenue, and advanced production. We are more confident than ever in our team's ability to drive Graze toward profitability. We're right sizing our valuation to facilitate raising capital efficiently and securing the best rates. We’ve opened this opportunity to make sure our current investors have the opportunity to invest at this lower cost. You’re important to our growth.

    More specifically, the market in 2023 and into 2024, has significantly reduced technology companies’ valuations on the back of a number of factors including cost of capital, interest rates, inflation, and political elements outside of our control. In an effort to ensure Graze can raise capital in the most efficient manner possible, it was necessary to right size the valuation to match current market conditions. This allows the company to be in position to re-capitalize, and re-position our growth targets to those aligned with a future Series A.


  • How have the 2500+ requests to reserve been vetted?

    We receive hundreds of requests per month to reserve units and each request is vetted through a thorough process. This includes an initial intake by our administrative team to vet the company, industry, ability to deploy, etc. If the intake is approved, the potential customer will have an initial call with our CEO for further discussion and evaluation. If our CEO approves the potential customer and use case, they will be scheduled for a live demo. Once the demo is completed, if the potential customer and the Graze team agrees that the site and use case are a fit for the product, we will enter into either a pilot or a purchase agreement. Today, we are primarily focused on accepting customers in the following sectors: airports, solar fields, municipalities and government applications. We maintain both an “active” list (meaning customers who are actively awaiting a unit) and a “waiting list” (meaning customers who are not a fit today, but will be a fit for future production runs).


Investing in Graze Robotics is an investment in the future of a greener and more sustainable landscape maintenance industry.